Optimal water care for the whirlpool in a holiday flat

Our Perfect SPA PAlm Beach Whirlpool is located in a holiday flat that is highly frequented. Our guests expect optimal water quality. I tried a few alternative products, but they did not give me the optimal result. After a while, the water was cloudy or the smell of the water was unpleasant. I was often even asked about this by holiday guests.

So at some point, of course, I also tested the SpaBalancer products. Of course, you first test the cheap products and slowly work your way up. In the meantime, I can say that I am absolutely satisfied with SpaBalancer and that the search for the optimal water care products has finally come to an end. The water is clear and odourless. I can only recommend everyone to test the products and I bet most people will stick with the SpaBalancer product range.

Dirk A.

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