Whirlpool cleaning after a long period of non-use -- F083

For health reasons, I can't use our whirlpool for eight weeks. So I drained the water completely, but there is still water in the pipes. The cover is open, otherwise bad odours will develop. Can you advise me how to clean the whirlpool and the pipes before I use the pool again?

If you have drained the water, biofilms can of course form in the residual water in the pipes. However, eight weeks without water in the pool is not a very long time in this context. I would therefore initially only add Ultrashock to the water after refilling and not SpaBalancer Basic. Add 50 ml Ultrashock per 1000 litres of water to the whirlpool for the first few days, but do not use it for bathing yet. Set the pH value to 6.5 to 6.8 and measure the UltraShock value with the test strips the next day.

If the test strips show 0, increase the UltraShock amount to 70 ml, for example. If the test strip now shows an UltraShock level, reduce the addition of UltraShock from 50 ml to 30 ml per 1000 litres. It is important to be able to measure Ultrashock the next day. Carry out this procedure for three days before adding SpaBalancer Basic to the water. You can now use the whirlpool.

Make sure that you always add enough UltraShock to the water for a fortnight so that you can still measure an UltraShock content the next morning. If UltraShock is consistently detectable in the water for a fortnight, the biofilm that has formed in eight weeks should have been oxidised again.

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