Legal Notice

Firma Spabalancer GmbH
Verbindungsweg 42
25469 Halstenbek
Tel.: 0049 (+)4101 – 37 444 80
E-Mail: info(at)
VAT identification number: DE263353818
Tax number: 18/291/16758

This site was created and is maintained by SpaBalancer GmbH

Exclusion of liability / disclaimer
SpaBalancer GmbH makes every reasonable effort to make accurate and complete information available on this website. Nevertheless, SpaBalancer GmbH assumes no liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information furnished on the website. This also applies to all links to which this website directly or indirectly refers. SpaBalancer GmbH is not responsible for the contents of any page accessed via such a link. SpaBalancer GmbH reserves the right to make changes or amend the information presented without prior notice. The content of this website is copyright protected. For copyright reasons, the storage and reproduction of images or graphics on this site is prohibited. The photos shown on this website are the property of the respective owners and may not be reproduced, printed, or otherwise used without their express written permission.
All brands, trade names, trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners.
SpaBalancer GmbH assumes no liability for any errors.
The content of this website is subject to change without notice.
